Friday, August 28, 2009


Attention CSIHSIS Students:

Your voices have been heard! Thanks to our Student Parliament, who met at the end of last year with the nutritionist from our school cafeteria, we will have a lunch deli bar this year beginning the first day of school.

There will be two registers in the cafeteria; one for the purchase of hot foods and the other for the deli bar, where you will be able to select meats, cheeses, salad toppings, and contidiments to create your own heroes.

School food will be piloting this program in our cafeteria. Its success will be determined based on student use of the deli bar--so Dragons, you asked for it, it is here, now it is up to you to keep it!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

UNICEF & United Nations Provide Students with Opportuntiy to Participate in Secretary General High Level Summit on Climate Change

The Secretary General High Level Summit on Climate Change will take place on September 22, 2009. It is anticipated that over 100 world leaders will be in attendance for the Summit. Selected delegates will participate in the Secretary General’s Opening Session by presenting their ideas in a document to world leaders and creating a video on climate change solutions, which they will present during the Session. The delegates will also participate in the Closing Session of the Summit, as well as the First Ladies' luncheon on children and climate change on September 23. Students will engage in a preparatory programme during which time they will review many facets of climate change with UNICEF technical staff and outside experts.

We are thrilled to have been asked to have our students apply to this program as only 12-15 students will be selected. Eight of our recommended students have alpplied to participate in this wonderful learning experience where they will engage in collaborating with others, public speaking, problem solving, and learning more about climate change and what they can do to help solve this global problem.
In the meantime, you can help: Turn Down, Recycle, Walk,

Journey Into Journalism

Once again we need your help to enhance our students' learning experiences in Journalism.
As our journalism class is made up of students in three grades, the curriculum and reading selections must be differentiated to meet the needs of the students in those grades. Seniors, who have been in the journalism class for a year or more, need new literature that will challenge and engage them, while expanding their knowledge of the field of journalism.

The Elements of Journalism is a classic nonfiction piece about the responsibility reporters have to their audience. In addition, this book will provide insight into all aspects of the journalism profession. Since it is written by journalists, it is a valuable source for our students who are eager to learn and improve as high school reporters and who may be interested in careers in journalism.

Your help will ensure that our senior students continue to be challenged and engaged in this course. As the mentors in the class, this book will help them move closer to becoming effective mentors who practice professional high school reporting.

Any donation that you can afford, as well as your passing this proposal on to others who may be interested in helping enhance our Journalism Program is appreciated. Click here to donate to this worthwhile project:

Friday, August 21, 2009

NYC Marathon 2009

When I got home after surviving the rip tides this morning during a training swim in the pre-hurricane ocean waters of the Jersey Shore, I went online to read all about how the Yankees will sweep the Red Sox to find my confirmation email for entry into this years NYC Marathon. The marathon takes place the first Sunday in November.

I have spent a lot of the summer traveling, and training & racing triathlons - in downtown from reading novels & planning technology curriculum of course! I have been getting ready for an October 4th Half-Ironman. Its a 70.3 mile race that covers 1.2 miles of swimming, 56 miles on a bike, and a 13.1 mile run. Fun, fun, fun! I am doing that race for the I-Will Foundation. I have raised money without the help of my hardworking advisory because of the summer months so I am eager to return to Advisory and hear all the wonderful ideas they will have for their next service learning project - as I am sure my advisory has been thinking and writing down their ideas all summer, right?

I am running the 2009 NYC Marathon for the Boomer Esiason Foundation Team. This is a charity that raises money for Cystic Fibrosis. Like we did for the Wellness Community, I am sure that the Miano Advisory and our school community will do all we can to help a great cause! Since the marathon is the first weekend in November we'll be working hard from the start of the year.

Can't believe it is August already!

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Share Your Summer Experiences With the CSIHSIS Community!

This summer CSI students , staff , and their families have traveled to England, China, to a variety of countries in Africa, to Canada, to Puerto Rico and other areas of the Caribbean, as well as throughout the United States. Additionally, students have completed internships, have had work experiences, and have participated in a variety of summer programs including film making programs, athletic programs, and arts and academic programs. It would greatly enrich our community if you could share your reflections, your photos and your learning from your summer experiences with us.

I was fortunate to participate in Alan November's Building Learning Communities Conference in Boston this summer. The conference focused on using technology in classes to enage students in active learning and to build student and professional learning communities. Hopefully we will be trying screencasting and digital story telling in addition to having students collaborate through the use of google docs. We are also considering having students develop digital portfolios through the use of blogs. As I participated in the conference, I had the opportunity to practice using some of the tools we hope to incorporate into learning this year. We twittered and tweeted to share our learning, we took notes simultaneously sharing our product using google docs, and had opportunties to experience new ways to engage learners using technology. Tlo read a little about what I learned, and to learn more about why it is imperative to engage students using technology read Alan November's article "Students as Contributors: The Digital Learning Farm"
Now I am off to Puerto Rico to learn how to relax and to enjoy some time with my family.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Help Us Build a Multi-Media Component for The International Insider

Click here to see how you can help our school make our award winning newspaper, The International Insider, a full multi-media news source:

Our newspaper, which we publish 6-8 times a year, is international in that our articles have a global focus, students collaborate with students in other countries to write articles together, and we have a network of schools from around the globe with students who report for our newspaper.
Our newspaper has grown from a 4 page to 16 to 20 page layout with a staff of 50 students from all grades. As we are an international studies school with reporters in schools around the globe, we need to move forward technologically to become a multimedia online newspaper. A multimedia newsroom will allow for differentiation in that students who are technologically savvy will play an integral role in publishing a live online newspaper complete with podcasts and video segments.
In order to move forward technologically, our news room needs the proper software. Creative Suite 4 Design Premium, Student Edition is a program that combines Indesign, Photoshop CS4 Extended, Illustrator CS4, Flash CS4, Dreamweaver CS4, and more. Such a program will allow all students to benefit both in the newsroom, school and international community, as everyone will have access to our newspaper.
Your help will ensure that my students are able to move our school publications, our newspaper and literary magazine to a new level by adding 21st Century technology, while also providing them with additional opportunities to grow in achieving 21st century learning skills as this software will afford them the opportunities to work as news reporters with cutting edge technology.
To read back issues of The International Insider click here:

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

College Trip October '09

To all 10th, 11th, and 12th grade students:

Seats are still available for the College Trip!!

October 15th - 16th
University of Delaware
University of Maryland
American University
George Washington University

$100 per person includes charter bus, hotel room, and all meals
See Ms. Mammaro in Room 240D on September 8th for a permission slip!!!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Support the CSI McCown Varsity Basketball Team!

Join us to support the
First Annual CSI/McCown Basketball Golf Outing
Thursday, August 27, 2009
Latourette Golf Course
101Richmond Hill Road
Staten Island, New York 10306
1:00 PM Shotgun Start
18 Holes of Golf with Cart
Buckets of Balls for Driving Range
Closest to the Pin Contest
Longest Drive Contest
Day concludes with an all you can eat BBQ!
Raffles & Prizes!
$125.00 per person
$50 sponsor a hole
$40 BBQ only
Contact Ray Palma @ 646-824-4195
Looking forward to seeing you there!
Thanks for supporting our athletic program!

Earth Science Practical Today!

All students scheduled to take the August Regents Examination in Earth Science must report to school today to take the practical portion of the exam. If you do not take the practical, you may not take the written exam. This is a New York State Examination and there will not be a make-up. If you do not take the exam in August, you will not be able to take it again until January.
Reminder to all rising sophomores: you must pass at least five (5) Regents examinations with a score of 65 or higher to graduate. One of those exams must be in an area of science.
Good luck to all students who are taking the practical today and who are taking Regents examinations this week! Remember, for studying on your own, is a great tool! Study buddies, peer tutors, and doing practice exams will also help you be successful. We wish you all great success and know that with some hard work you will be successful!

Sunday, August 9, 2009

CSI High School Institutes International Journalism Blog

Journalists for our school's award winning newspaper, The International Insider, have been writing all summer. They have communicated about ideas from creating a new multi-media section of our paper and what it should contain, to what Walter Cronkite meant to the journalism community and the public, to how to decide what is "front page" news, as well as how the downward spiraling economy and increasing online availability of major newspapers and other news sources is affecting print media. See what they have to say at: You can also check out back issues of The International Insider on our school website: Happy reading! Let us know what you think!

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Help Us Get Started with AP English Language & Composition

Senior Staff


Please click on the link: to learn how you can help our students build their writing skills and earn college credit.

Read Ms. Kaplan's proposal!

I teach in a New York City public school. My students are selected for our school based on a lottery, and all classes are heterogeneously mixed. Furthermore, my journalism class is a bridge class of students in 10th, 11th, and 12th grade. Our newspaper, which we publish 6-8 times a year, is international in that our articles have a global focus, students collaborate with students in other countries to write articles together, and we have a network of schools from around the globe with students who report for our newspaper.

In my bridge journalism class, I have students who are interested in sitting for the AP Language and Composition exam in May of 2010. I have the curriculum available for the students, but we do not have funds for the necessary books that are required. My students have scored in the 95th and 96th percentile on the New York State English Regent exam in the last two years; thus, they are quite capable of taking the AP Language and Composition exam, and should be challenged to do so. In order to succeed, they need the necessary textbooks and literature.
Adding the the AP Language and Composition course to the journalism curriculum will provide the challenge many of my high achieving students need and, since much of the AP curriculum will be infused into the class, all the journalism students will benefit from the lessons on critical reading and writing. My hope is that over time, more students will elect to take on the AP component of the journalism course. Further, students taking the AP course will have the benefit of earning college credit while in high school. Finally, the lessons on critical reading and writing will enhance our news reporting and lead to the further improvement of our newspaper.
Your help in acquiring the needed literature for the AP Language and Composition exam will make it possible for my students to succeed in becoming skilled readers and writers as well as help them begin reaching their college goals. Likewise, you will be an integral part of allowing our newspaper to expand, as the literature will provide challenging reading and writing activities.

Click here to help support this project:

We greatly appreciate your supporting our learning community!!!!

CSI High School Inaugarates Dragon Dance Team



After hours of training with a professional Dragon Dance Teacher, at our Year of the Ox Celebration of Chinese Language and Culture, members of the newly formed CSI High School Dragon Dance Team wowed the audience with their performance of this traditional Chinese Dance. They did the same again at our first graduation, where they began what we hope will be an annual graduation tradition especially since the Dragon is our school mascot.

Go Dragons!

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

August 2009 Regents Exam Schedule

CSI High School will be offering the following Regents Examinations:

Wednesday, August 12
12:15 pm
Regents Examination in Global History & Geography
Regents Examination in United States History & Government

Thursday, August 13
8:15 am
Integrated Algebra

12:15 pm
Living Environment
Earth Science (Note: Students scheduled for Earth Science must take the Practical Portion of the exam on August 10th at their appointed time).

Please note that these exams are New York State exams and are given only the dates and times listed above. If you miss the exam you will not be able to retake the exam until the next adminstration in January, 2010.

We encourage all students taking exam to participate in the review sessions being offered at our school this week and to study independently using classnotes, Regents Review books, and

Please make sure that on the day of your exam you arrive to school on time, prepared with pens, pencils, and highlighters having had a good night's sleep and eaten a good breakfast.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Photos from Freshmen Summer Academy

Check out the learning and the fun our incoming freshman had at our first ever three week Freshman Summer Academy. New friendships were created! Parents met staff, faculty and other parents and our freshman had a great time while learning about one another, our school, and the world.

Learning about each other!

Drumming Circles Build

Learning about other cultures and team building!

Creating cake sculptures to represent our Graduate Profile!

"This summer academy was so much fun ! I don't want to leave this summer program. Thank you CSI for picking me to be in your high school; I can't wait till school starts!"

Looking forward to the new tradition this class will create;

Freshman Spirit Day!

Hope you'll join us in October!