Sunday, October 14, 2007

Blog Action Day!

Attention CSI!
Monday, October 15, 200y is Blog Action Day. Bloggers around the web will unite to put a single important issue on everyone’s mind - the environment. Major blogs have signed up to participate, including Lifehacker, Dumb Little Man,, Get Rich Slowly, Web Worker Daily, GigaOm, The Simple Dollar, Zen Habits, Freelance Switch, LifeClever, Unclutterer, Pronet Advertising, Wise Bread and many more.

"For just one day, we'd like to unite as many of the millions of bloggers around the world and speak about one issue - the environment," said Collis Ta'eed, an Australian blogger from, and a cofounder of Blog Action Day. "We want to display the potential and the power of the blogging community, which is a disparate community but one with an amazing size, breadth and diversity. By bringing everyone together for one day, we can see just how much can be achieved, and how much we can be heard."

So, CSI I invite you to do something good for the environment today; pick up some trash on the campus, turn out the lights when you leave a room, make sure you recycle, use a burlap bag for groceries instead of paper or plastic bags, walk instead of being driven, educate others about global warming, plant a tree, etc. Check our what others are doing! Check out some environmental charities. Organize a service learning project about the environment! Take action! Share your thoughts and what you have done to preserve our environment!

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