Thanks to the generosity of Rick Mueller and Pride Not Prejudice http://www.pridenotprejudice.org/index2.html, today our freshman class learned about alcohol and drug use and addiction, domestic violence, teen suicide, and parental abuse. Using the art of theatre to address these issues that affect teenagers, our students were able to learn and engage in frank conversations.
Addiction and Pride
Part One: The Alcoholic
A one man, one act play: how alcohol destroys a life. The presenter chronicles his life with many characters, including himself, at different ages, using different voices and costumes. It clearly shows the insidious effects of alcohol and drugs in high school. Our students were captured by the humor and intensity of this saga, while seeing truly the effects of alcohol.
A one man, one act play: how alcohol destroys a life. The presenter chronicles his life with many characters, including himself, at different ages, using different voices and costumes. It clearly shows the insidious effects of alcohol and drugs in high school. Our students were captured by the humor and intensity of this saga, while seeing truly the effects of alcohol.
Part Two: A Wild Night
Through drama students learned how alcohol and drugs create monsters that show their fangs at will. With prom approaching, the effects of drug abuse and alcoholism impact the lives of eight students, each in a different way. An unemployed father brutalizes his valedictorian son, who protects him to the bitter end. A drug dealer abuses his spaced out girlfriend and victimizes another student. Two alcohol related suicide attempts relay the “true power of drugs and alcohol.” In an attempt to humiliate the school gossip, Lorelei, four students head to the prom but . . . (you have to ask someone who saw the show what happens!!!!)
Part Three: Questions and Answers
After the presenter briefly discussed his sober life, during a guided workshop, students asked questions of the characters as well as specific questions about the topics broached, which included drugs and alcohol, teen suicide, domestic violence, parental abuse and just curiosity about the subject matter.
Please share your feedback, somethings you learned, and some advice you would like to give to your peers!
Many thanks to our guidance counselor, Ms. Pastena, for understanding issues that are important to teenagers and for arranging for the Addication and Pride presentation to help educate them about those issues and teach them how to deal with them.
I hope all of the students found the presentation informative and interesting. Visit Rick's website www.pridenotprejudice.org for more info!!!
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