The International Labor Organization (ILO) is the the UN specialized agency which seeks the promotion of social justice and internationally recognized human and labor rights. dealing with issues such as child labor, forced labor, sustainiable development, etc. To learn more about the ILO click here: http://www.ilo.org/global/lang--en/index.htm
The International Labor Organization is devoted to advancing opportunities for women and men to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity. Its main aims are to promote rights at work, encourage decent employment opportunities, enhance social protection and strengthen dialogue in handling work-related issues.
In promoting social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights, the organization continues to pursue its founding mission that labour peace is essential to prosperity. Today, the ILO helps advance the creation of decent jobs and the kinds of economic and working conditions that give working people and business people a stake in lasting peace, prosperity and progress.
In promoting social justice and internationally recognized human and labour rights, the organization continues to pursue its founding mission that labour peace is essential to prosperity. Today, the ILO helps advance the creation of decent jobs and the kinds of economic and working conditions that give working people and business people a stake in lasting peace, prosperity and progress.
Hey everyone, I am excited about meeting you and speaking with you about the UN and the International Labour organization in particular. If there are particular questions that you have or areas of interest (from humanitarian concerns, peace-keeping or social development) please drop me an email - cassidy@ilo.org
If you are interested, we have just opened a photographic exhibit in the UN Visitors Lobby (46th Street and first Avenue entrance)in celebration of the ILO's 90th Anniversary. So maybe one bit of research you can do before we meet is to find out what document created the ILO.
All the best and see you next week.
The CSIHSIS community would like to thank Mr. Cassidy for taking time out of his schedule to talk to us today about the work of the United Nations and the International Labor Organization. His passion for his work and helping those in need inspired our students to delve more deeply into world issues such as human trafficking, slave labor, environmental problems, lack of education, and the problems created by landmines. We are hopeful that this will be the start of an ongoing relationship.
I thought your presentation was very intriguing Mr. Cassidy. I feel the UN is extremely important and everyone should really get invovled!
Did you know that everyday the United Nations works to solve global challenges? The UN:
1. Provides food to 108 million people in 74 countries
2. Vaccinates over 40% of the world's children, saving 2 million lives a year
3. Assists over 34 million refugees and others fleeing war, famine, or persecution
4. Fights climate change and leads a campaign to plant 1 billion trees a year
5. Keeps the peace with 116,000 peacekeepers in 17 operations on 4 continents
6. Fights poverty and helped 300 million rural poor achieve better lives in the last 30 years
7. Monitors, promotes, protects and develops human rights worldwide
8. Mobilizes $7 billion in humanitarian aid to help people affected by emergencies
9. Leads international efforts in clearing landmines in over 30 countries
10. Promotes universal primary education reaching 88% enrolment coverage in developing countries
To learn more, check out www.un.org
To help, during the upcoming week, participate in our Trick or Treat for Unicef by placing your spare change in the box in your advisory, in the main office, or in one of your classrooms.
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