Tuesday, August 14, 2007


Just a reminder that the ABC news special about Asia Society will air on August 18th at 7:30 pm. This clip will feature our students and our school's language program. There's a preview at http://dig.abclocal.go.com/wabc/AS_07/index.html

If you look quickly, you can catch a glimpse of Ama and Jakub in the preview clip.

Remember to watch and let us know what you think about how our school is portrayed as well as what you learn about the importance of a global, world class education and the extent to which you think we are meeting the goal of providing our students with that education.


Aimee Horowitz said...

Bravo Mr. Livaccari! Ama, Tiffany, Jakub, Michela and Ian you did a great job representing our school and explaining how your perspectives on Asia and the world have been broadened as well as discussing some of the opportunities you have had as a result of attending our school, including participating the video conference with students in China and attending Concordia Language Villages! Hopefully you have helped inform people about why international studies must be a vital component of every students' education.

Aimee Horowitz said...

By the way, I loved how Astonn spoke about his mom's job and her having to interact with co-workers in India and throughout Europe as an example of why it is important to understand diverse cultures and other peoples' perspectives.