CSI Students with Carole Perry at our First Annual Career Day
March has been an amazingly busy month for teacher and student learning and for celebrations of achievement at CSIHSIS. Today we celebrated more than 100 students who had outstanding academic achievement at an Honors Breakfast. These students were each encouraged to "pay it forward" by adopting a buddy that they can help so that at our next honors breakfast, we can celebrate 200 students!
After breakfast, our entire junior class headed off to the Bodies Museum, where they are continuing their learning for their various science classes including Forensics and Chemistry. Tomorrow night students are hosting a Community Drum Circle. Come with family and friends to experience a drum circle, have fun, and help us raise funds to purchase Taiko drums for our Percussion Ensemble. Our students and teachers participating in our Swiss Exchange Program depart for Switzerland tomorrow evening.
Looking back, the month began with our sophomore students participating in the Jewish Heritage Museum Lipper Internship Program. Interns visited our school and engaged students in lessons about the roots of discrimination, prejudice, anti-semitism, and genocide. Students then visited the Jewish Heritage Museum to continue their learning. The experience concluded with museum interns returning to their classes to debrief the experience.
The weekend of March 12th marked our second annual Senior Trip. Forty five seniors went to Honors Haven in Ellenville, New York. The weekend included tennis, basketball, rollerskating with Mr. Canale, a scavenger hunt, an indoor winter carnival, Karaoke, dancing, and more. A great time was had by all!!!!
Students who are part of the Impact Broadway program saw Fela and participated in the Broadway League Seminar at the Dance Theatre of Harlem. At the Seminar students learned about the various career opportunities in the theatre and entertainment industry.
This month, thanks to the hard work of our School Leadership Team, we hosted our first Annual Career Day for juniors and seniors. The day began with an advisory workshop and continued with an inspirational message from Dr. Jerald Jones-Woolfolk, Vice President of Student Affairs at College of Staten Island. Each student then participated in a series of three workshops, based on careers of their choice. They day concluded with students creating career maps and writing thank-you notes to the person that most inspired them. Presenters included: John Ross of MetLife; Matt Signore, Executive Vice President and General Manager of Warner Music Group; Dan Ferraro, Analyst at Warner Music; Laura Margiotta, Special Events Coordinator at Warner Music Group; Chris Signore, Manager of Digital Sales and Marketing at Warner Music Group; Adam Wandy, Director at Warner Music Group; David Sassano, Executive Assistant at Warner Music Group; Thomas Wilson, Physical Therapist; Carole Perry Parker for careers in radio, Vienna Profeta, Senior Vice President of the Eger Foundation (fundraising, marketing, and public relations); Bill Reich, Principal Sales Consultant for Oracle Corportation -an information technology professional; Vincent Gagliardo, Emergency Medical Technician FDNY; Vincent Arcello, firefighter-FDNY; Sara Lupin, Paramedic-FDNY; Professor Diedre Armitage, Director of Fieldwork-CSI on careers in education; Dr. Anthony Barone, Neonatologist; Joseph Battista, President of J&B Plumbing Company on careers in the plumbing and heating trade; Diana Brobmann, Senior Executive, Rights Representation, Advertising & Merchandise Licensing; David Businelli, architecht, owner and founder of Visions of Space; Lisa Donovan, attorney, Corporation Counsel, NYC Law Department; Michelle O'Brien, Spa Owner of the Grotto Spa; Elaine O'Keeffe, Auditor/CPA, Price Waterhouse; Amy Padnani and Tevah Platt, journalists at the Staten Island Advance; Daniel Mammaro, air traffic controller; Lauren MacDuffie, occupational therapist; Charles LaGanga, Managing Director/Marketing for Direct Access Partners-Tading on the floor of the NYS stock exchange; Jisu Kim, interpreter/translator; David Giampola, Chef at the Waldorf Astoria; Paige Frothingham, Health Educator at Staten Island University Hospital; David Frey, Assistant District Attorney Richmond County; Tony Rho, Natural Resources Manager for the City of New York Department of Parks and Recreation; Robin Dublin, Executive Direcotr of the Greenbelt Conservancy-Enivronmental Educator and Recreation Specialist; Leah Ferencz, Speech Pathologist; Denise Taylor, retired Police Officer; Lorraine Marin, Police Officer; Vinny Marino, Radio; A Lifestyle Not A Job; and Ron Mannaice, business owner Yearbook Innovation, Inc. on owning and operating a small business.
While juniors and seniors enjoyed Career Day, our freshman and sophomore classes continued their science learning as they experienced the Museum of Natural History and the Liberty Science Center. During this month we also had very successful and informative Student Led Conferences, during which students spoke with their parents about their learning, their goals, their strengths and weaknesses, and showed them work from each of their classes. The folowing day we had very productive parent-teacher conferences providing parents with the opportunity to conference with their childs' teachers.
While all this was taking place, teachers participated in Japanese Lesson Study; an ongoing process in which teachers work collaboratively to plan lessons, observe one another teach the lesson, provide fedback, and revise the lesson. This was part of our Inquiry Team work to help strengthen students' inferencing skills.
We are all looking forward to Spring break and coming back to school well rested and rejuvenated for our April Poetry Slam and for our PTA Chinese Auction on April 24th. We look forward to your participation in these events.
March has truly been an amazing month! Our first career day was a great success as told by the students. They raved about how great the day was and would love to do it again. Since it was our first, I didn’t expect to see the enthusiasm from our junior and senior students. From hats to heels and dresses to jackets that really went all out and it made us all very proud. They were engaged in the classrooms, asked insightful questions, and some even made a decision on what career they would like to pursue. An overall success!
The breakfast today was just another great way to see how excited the students are to be a part of our school. They came early and came hungry!! I love to see the student’s faces when they are spoken to by the Principal. I scanned their expressions while the Principal acknowledged their hard work and high academic success. At that moment, you were able to see their smiles and expressions of self satisfaction.
The Bodies Museum trip today proved to be another truly great experience. I have to say it was something I personally wanted to do...I asked my advisory class and they were happy about the idea. I then recruited the junior advisory team and they were all definitely on board for the day. With time on our side we were able to take some really great pics while enjoying the great views on the pier. We wanted to give the students a real treat and take them to the South Street Seaport for lunch. This made for a very happy group of juniors!!
Ms. Lentini :)
It is pretty cool to know that as a result of our Career Day, two students have expressed interest in becoming Air Traffic Controllers. Also, WMG was so impressed with our student participants that they have decided that for the first time ever, they will offer summer internships to high school students. We are thrilled and know that Career Day will continue to yield additional opportunities for our students.
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