Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Students Podcast About Global Issues

To prepare for their interviews with immigrants to Staten Island, which will be pod casted and will be exhbited at Ellis Island, CSIHSIS junior students are working in their Global Technology classes to create pod casts about global issues. Students work in groups to select a global issue or problem, research the issue and work collaboratively to create a script on the issue. Check out the first podcast to be completed.

Learn what you can do to make a difference!

Listen to our podcast to find out more about World Hunger and more!

Congratulations to Tiffany, Thomas, Heather and Qadeem on being the first to complete this project! Great job!

Click here to go to free rice and help stop world hunger.

Let us know what you think!


Aimee Horowitz said...

Sarah, Ashley, Jackie and Sam: Great job! Interesting and informative. You clearly did a lot of research to put this pod cast together. I love your format and I especially love Ashley's English accent! I guess you loved England; so did I when I was there! You girls are awesome!! Hope you enjoyed producing the podcast!

Can't wait to listen to all the others!

Aimee Horowitz said...

Your podcasts are great! Not only did I learn a lot, I love listening to you guys. I get so excited each time I see a new one posted. I am also thrilled that you are learning how to use this new technology and that you will soon be moving on to video and then to vodcasts! (Think about how the skills you are acquiring, how what you are learning about the world and global issues, and how you continue to learn to work in teams helps you to meet the requirements of our school's graduate profile!!!) Keep up the great work!!!